Dear Parent or Guardian,
Thank you for your interest in 2023 Sertoma Camp Endeavor. We are open to Deaf and Hard of Hearing children, and hearing siblings of D/HH campers. All children must be between the ages of 8-16 years old at the time of camp. We strive to provide a safe and fun atmosphere for our campers. COVID as well as standard Health and safety guidelines will be followed and implemented at camp.
Camp Endeavor 2023 will run for one week,
Sunday, June 25th - Saturday, July 1st
Drop Off and Pick Up
Check-in on Sunday, June 25th, 2023 will be from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Please do not arrive and expect to drop off your camper(s) any earlier than 2:00 PM as camp staff will be properly preparing for camp to open.
Camp will end on Saturday, July 1st. Campers must be picked up between 9:00 am - 11:00 am. During pick up we will have light refreshments and a Camp Endeavor recap slideshow.
Tuition Fees and Forms
This year, the tuition fee is $250.00 for each child. Camp Endeavor has updated technology and will be utilizing online payments now. You will see a payment button in our Campers Corner. Camper tuition as well as their physical is due by April 30th in the camper's corner.
A copy of your child's HEALTH INSURANCE CARD must be uploaded and submitted with registration. Your child cannot be accepted to camp without proof of health insurance coverage.
It's important to know that camper slots are on a first-come-first-serve basis. The first 30 boys and 30 girls to register and pay for camp will be reserved a spot (camper spots won't be guaranteed until an approved physical form has been received).
Online Camper Registration will close on April 30th, 2023, or when the maximum number is reached, whichever occurs first.
After you submit your registration & payment, please download a copy of the CAMPER PHYSICAL FORM (see the link at the bottom of this page). This form MUST be completed and signed by a licensed physician that verifies your child’s health. This form is required to be on file in the camp nurse's office to properly care for your child.
Physical forms must be uploaded via Camp Endeavor's "Campers Corner" page and received on or before April 30th, 2023.
If a physical form is not received on time, your child may lose their spot.
If you have any questions, please contact me at sertomacampdirector@gmail.com
Maria Williams
Camp Director
Click Here To Register Your Camper
​Tuition Refund Policy:
Sertoma Camp Endeavor as of the 2023 session has increased the total tuition to $250.00 The required physical and the tuition $250.00 will be due by April 30th. Any camper that does not have both the final payment and physical, submitted by April 30th is subject to losing their slot at camp. If a camper should need to withdraw their application it must be done so before June 1st. Any requests for refunds 0n/after June 1st will be denied due to food, materials, and other costs that will have already been allocated for your camper.
** ALL Tuition refund requests must be submitted in writing via email**